Simple pricing for everyone

Pricing built for businesses of all sizes. Always know what you’ll pay.

Business Data

Buy B2B lists of local businesses.
>> Good for closing quick deals.
$99 / Per 1000 Businesses
  • Businesses Names
  • Verified Phones or Mobiles
  • Verified Business Emails
  • Addresses & Locations
  • Website & Social Profiles
  • From Google maps, Yellow pages, Facebook pages & other social networks.
  • Over 400,000,000 unique businesses are available worldwide!

Company Data

Buy B2B lists of registered companies.
>> Good for big deals with enterprises.
$99 / Per 1000 Companies
  • Companies Names
  • Verified Phones & Emails
  • Company Size & Industry
  • Known yearly revenue
  • Address, Website & Social Profiles
  • From Google, Linkedin, Dnb & Hundreds of global directories
  • Over 300,000,000 unique companies are available worldwide!

Employees data

Buy B2B lists of decision makers and position based contacts in companies.
$99 / Per 1000 Employees
  • Company Name, Size & Industry
  • Company website & social profiles
  • Contact's full name, title & position
  • Conatact's verified phones & emails
  • Conatact's social profiles
  • From Google, Linkedin, Dnb & Hundreds of global directories
  • Over 450,000,000 unique contacts are available worldwide!

Customer Data

Buy B2C lists of consumers & customers.
>> Good for converting end users.
$99 / Per 1000 Customers
  • Customer Full Name
  • Verified Mobile
  • Verified Personal Email
  • Address & Social Profiles
  • Full Demographic Filtering
  • Lifestyle, interests, hobbies, past transactions and purchases.
  • Over 600,000,000 unique customers are available worldwide!

Email Messaging

Send unlimited with 99% inbox rate!
$99 / Per 10,000 emails
  • Send to B2C/B2B lists
  • We send on your behalf
  • Bulk email campaigns
  • Auto email sequences
  • Plain, rich text & html emails
  • All email addresses will be validated before sending.

SMS Messaging

Worldwide premium coverage!
from $0.5 / Flat per message
  • Send to B2C/B2B lists
  • Access top sending routes
  • Bulk mobile campaings
  • Send with links and emojis
  • 160 caractars per message
  • All mobile numbers will be validated before sending.

Direct Messaging

Send Bulk messages in social networks!
$99 / Per 10,000 DMs
  • WhatsApp
  • Instagram
  • Telegram
  • X/Twitter
  • Discord
  • All target profiles will be validated before sending.


Buy real engagement to boost your brand
$99 / per month for auto service
  • Real followers & subscribers
  • Post/video Views & Watch time
  • Likes, Comments & Shares
  • Votes, Reactions, Mentions
  • We work on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter/X Telegram, Pinterest & more.
  • Worldwide or specific Geo engagements and users.


Buy well-written, high-quality reviews
from $5 / per review in a bundle
  • Human written reviews
  • SEO boost, includes keywords
  • Legitimate and strong profiles
  • We cover all products & services
  • We work on Google maps, Facebook pages, Trust pilot, Trip advisor & dozens more sites.
  • Worldwide or specific Geo reviews and profiles.


Publish articles on high-rank sites & blogs
from $299 / per publish
  • Human written articles
  • SEO boost, high ranking backlinks
  • Top-tier online media outlets
  • WE cover all news niches
  • Publish on Google News, Nasdaq, Bloomberg, Marketwatch, Benzinga, NBC, FOX, CBS, USA Today, and many more
  • Publish any content in any language to any target audience

Business Data

Buy B2B lists of local businesses.
>> Good for closing quick deals.
$99 / Per 1000 Businesses
  • Businesses Names
  • Verified Phones or Mobiles
  • Verified Business Emails
  • Addresses & Locations
  • Website & Social Profiles
  • From Google maps, Yellow pages, Facebook pages & other social networks.
  • Over 400,000,000 unique businesses are available worldwide!

Company Data

Buy B2B lists of registered companies.
>> Good for big deals with enterprises.
$99 / Per 1000 Companies
  • Companies Names
  • Verified Phones & Emails
  • Company Size & Industry
  • Known yearly revenue
  • Address, Website & Social Profiles
  • From Google, Linkedin, Dnb & Hundreds of global directories
  • Over 300,000,000 unique companies are available worldwide!

Employees data

Buy B2B lists of decision makers and position based contacts in companies.
$99 / Per 1000 Employees
  • Company Name, Size & Industry
  • Company website & social profiles
  • Contact's full name, title & position
  • Conatact's verified phones & emails
  • Conatact's social profiles
  • From Google, Linkedin, Dnb & Hundreds of global directories
  • Over 450,000,000 unique contacts are available worldwide!

Customer Data

Buy B2C lists of consumers & customers.
>> Good for converting end users.
$99 / Per 1000 Customers
  • Customer Full Name
  • Verified Mobile
  • Verified Personal Email
  • Address & Social Profiles
  • Full Demographic Filtering
  • Lifestyle, interests, hobbies, past transactions and purchases.
  • Over 600,000,000 unique customers are available worldwide!

Email Messaging

Send unlimited with 99% inbox rate!
$99 / Per 10,000 emails
  • Send to B2C/B2B lists
  • We send on your behalf
  • Bulk email campaigns
  • Auto email sequences
  • Plain, rich text & html emails
  • All email addresses will be validated before sending.

SMS Messaging

Worldwide premium coverage!
from $0.5 / Flat per message
  • Send to B2C/B2B lists
  • Access top sending routes
  • Bulk mobile campaings
  • Send with links and emojis
  • 160 caractars per message
  • All mobile numbers will be validated before sending.

Direct Messaging

Send Bulk messages in social networks!
$99 / Per 10,000 DMs
  • WhatsApp
  • Instagram
  • Telegram
  • X/Twitter
  • Discord
  • All target profiles will be validated before sending.


Buy real engagement to boost your brand
$99 / per month for auto service
  • Real followers & subscribers
  • Post/video Views & Watch time
  • Likes, Comments & Shares
  • Votes, Reactions, Mentions
  • We work on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter/X Telegram, Pinterest & more.
  • Worldwide or specific Geo engagements and users.


Buy well-written, high-quality reviews
from $5 / per review in a bundle
  • Human written reviews
  • SEO boost, includes keywords
  • Legitimate and strong profiles
  • We cover all products & services
  • We work on Google maps, Facebook pages, Trust pilot, Trip advisor & dozens more sites.
  • Worldwide or specific Geo reviews and profiles.


Publish articles on high-rank sites & blogs
from $299 / per publish
  • Human written articles
  • SEO boost, high ranking backlinks
  • Top-tier online media outlets
  • WE cover all news niches
  • Publish on Google News, Nasdaq, Bloomberg, Marketwatch, Benzinga, NBC, FOX, CBS, USA Today, and many more
  • Publish any content in any language to any target audience